Battery of Assessments
Evaluations can help determine important information about an individual’s developmental, cognitive, academic and/or psychosocial functioning. Below are different types of evaluations that are conducted in our office. Depending on presenting concerns, a specific type of evaluation may be recommended (hence the different types of the evaluations). Regardless of the type of evaluation conducted, every important area of functioning is assessed in our comprehensive evaluations (i.e., cognitive, academic, emotional, behavioral, social, and developmental).
Here are some samples of evaluations we provide
Developmental Evaluations
Psychodevelopmental Evaluations
Psychoeducational Evaluations
Neuropsychological Evaluation and Central Nervous System Evaluations are conducted to assess an individual’s cognitive profile when there is a known or suspected brain dysfunction. Such a condition may result from a head injury, a medical condition (such as epilepsy, genetic disorders, meningitis, etc.), neurodevelopmental disorders (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, etc.), or cognitive decline associated with aging, such as Alzheimer’s Disease. . Neuropsychological testing provides a more in-depth examination of the relationship between a specific domain of cognitive functioning controlled by different regions of the brain (such as working memory, attention/concentration, visual/auditory processing, learning/memory, etc.) and behavior (including learning, reasoning, self-regulation, communication, etc.)
Psychological Evaluations are primarily conducted to assess an individual’s emotional and behavioral functioning. These evaluations provide useful information about how someone’s character, psychological constructs, and interpersonal style are affecting their functioning. Diagnostic information is useful to clarify a clinical picture and help guide treatment.
Gifted/Intelligence Evaluations are conducted to assess children who have demonstrated advanced skills in problem-solving and learning. Testing for gifted placement is conducted when there is the likelihood that a child would benefit from a more challenging academic program at school. All public school systems in the state of North Carolina (as well as many private schools) require intelligence testing to identify whether or not a child meets the criteria for placement in a gifted program. Intelligence Testing can also be completed with adults, depending on the reason for referral (Mensa, employment requirement, etc.).
Autism Diagnostic Evaluations for Adults are conducted to determine the existence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in suspecting adults. Such evaluations involve a comprehensive review of developmental history, intelligence testing, administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observational Scale – 2nd Edition (ADOS-2), and assessment of psychological and adaptive functioning. Information gathered is used to confirm/discard a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as to guide recommendations for any interventions, accommodations or supports necessary to optimize functioning. Please note that this evaluation is insufficient to provide clarification on various other complex differential diagnoses that may present similarly to, or in conjunction with, an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In such cases, a more extensive battery of tests is needed.
Listed below is an example of some of our serviced instruments to conduct evaluations:
Intellectual Testing
Differential Abilities Scale – 2nd Edition
- Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement- 3rd Edition
- Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 4th Edition
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – 5th Edition
- Gray Oral Reading Test, 5th Edition
- Kaufman Survey of Early Academic Language Skills
- Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition
- Nelson-Denny Reading Test
- Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults
- Woodcock Johnson, Tests of Achievement – 4th Edition
Information Processing Tests – These tests measure Auditory/Visual Processing, Language, etc.
- Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests
- Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language
- Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing – 2nd Edition
- Expressive One-Word Vocabulary Test – 4th Edition
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – 3rd Edition
- SCAN–3:C Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children–Revised
- Test of Problem Solving – 3, Elementary
- Test of Problem Solving – 2, Adolescent
- Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning – 2nd Edition
- Woodcock-Johnson IV, Tests of Cognitive Ability
- Woodcock-Johnson IV, Tests of Oral Language
- Delis-Kaplan Executive Functioning System (D-KEFS)
- Reaction Time
- Spatial Working Memory
- Pattern Recognition Memory
- Tests for abstract thinking; executive functioning; language; memory; mental tracking; orientation; perception; praxis; visuo-spatial functions
- Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration – 6th Edition
- Developmental Test of Visual Perception – 6th Edition
- Developmental Test of Motor Coordination – 6th Edition
Neuropsychological Tests – Measure Memory, Attention, Executive Functions, Abstract Reasoning, and other Neuropsychological functions
(may include one or more of the following)
- Children’s Color Trails Test Category Test
- Controlled Oral Word Association Test
- Delis Kaplan Executive Functioning System
- Finger Oscillation Test
- Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test
- Wechsler Memory Scale – 4th Edition
- NEPSY Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment – 2nd Edition
- Reitan-Indiana Aphasia Screening Test
- Reitan-Klove Lateral Dominance Exam
- Reitan-Klove Sensory Perceptual Exam
- Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure
- Seashore Rhythm Test
- Speech Sounds Perception Test
- Stroop Color and Word Test
- Tactual Performance Test
- Trail Making Test
- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Psychological and Emotional Testing* – Screener
(may include one or more of the following)
- Children’s Apperception Test
- Children’s Inventory of Anger
- Conduct Disorder Scale
- House-Tree-Person Projective Drawings
- Kinetic Family Projective Drawings
- Kovac’s Children’s Depression Inventory – 2nd Edition
- Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory
- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory –4th Edition
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- 2nd Edition, Restructured Form
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale – 2nd Edition
- Robert’s Apperception Test
- Rorschach Inkblot Test
- Sentence Completion Test
- Social Anxiety Scale
- Suicide Probability Scale
- Thematic Apperception Test
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children
*Additional charge if extensive emotional testing is requested cales
(may include one or more of the following)
- Behavior Assessment System for Children – 3rd Edition
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
- Children’s Problem Checklist
- Sensory Profile Questionnaire
- Adaptive Behavior Inventory
- Vineland Adaptive Rating Scales – 2nd Edition
- Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning – 4th Edition
- Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd Edition
- Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, 3rd Edition
- Autism Diagnostic Interview – Revised
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule – 2nd Edition
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale – 2nd Edition
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder Behavior Inventory
- Social Communication Questionnaire
- Social Responsiveness Scale – 2nd Edition
- Review of School Records
- Review of Past Evaluations and Medical Records
- School Observation
- Telephone contact with teachers, professionals, other relevant individuals